
Design Collection

A well-designed logo builds trust by validating your professionalism.

A logo identifies a business to its customers and business partners – it communicates to people with no prior knowledge or experience with your business that you are professional and provide quality products and services.

If your logo looks unprofessional, people will undoubtedly question how well you’re able to deliver your products and services. Have you ever hit the back button or chose one company over another simply because they look more legit? People make snap judgements within seconds of looking at a company and poor design can lead to lost business opportunities.

A strong logo design stands out to consumers ensuring they remember your brand and cultivates positive associations.

Logos have a deep symbolic association connected to people’s memories and emotions. Investing in your logo design is an investment in your business, increasing your credibility and pulling consumers in.

A business logo needs to be clear and easy to interpret to quickly connect with your audience. It’s important to keep your logo simple so it works across multiple media platforms and is effective at any size, and can stand the test of time.


STACIA • Packaging Design


RADIAN • Brand Identity • Marketing Materials